
Monday, October 16, 2017

Word Art Freebie

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year!  I use a ton of word art, so I thought I would share some with you.  Hope you like it!!

Right click to save at full size!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Halloween Freebie

I thought I'd make a freebie version of the clouds and moon background I use a lot during this time of year.  It's FTU/PU and I hope you enjoy it!!  Have a spooky Halloween!!

As always, please direct others here to download and thanks for visiting!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Finally got some photos and editing done!!

It's been a hard year.  I've really lacked motivation to even pick up a camera at all, but it's getting better as the doctors adjust my medications and begin to get my seizures under control.  I feel like more of a human now, but my memory is still horrible and many days I wonder if it's epilepsy or if I have Alzheimer's because I cannot remember anything.  However, I finally got motivated to do our fall pictures and I am very happy with them. 
These were taken as Swann Bridge in Blount County.  My husband is from Blount County and these bridges are a big part of the history of the area and his life so it was wonderful to be able to have this backdrop for our pictures. 
The girls have always loved visiting the bridges and exploring the river running under them and that always makes for a great day out.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!

I know it's been a bit since I've been around, but while I've been dealing with illness and family issues I have had to take some time to really look at things.  So, you will see some changes and that I've stopped selling on some sites.  Right now I just want to focus on having some relaxing fun and being with my family.
That being said, I have a freebie for BCA month.  I don't know anyone who's life has not been touched by Breast Cancer...so keep it pink and get checked!!

Just click the preview to download and please point people back to my blog to download as well!!